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Internal Pipe cleaning

Εσωτερικός καθαρισμός αγωγών - βίντεο,

H ανάπτυξη της βιομηχανίας πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου σημαίνει συνεχείς επενδύσεις σε αγωγούς για τη μεταφορά των υγρών και αερίων.

Τα σημερινά εξελιγμένα συστήματα επίστρωσης εγγυώνται πολλά χρόνια λειτουργίας χωρίς συντήρηση, με την προϋπόθεση ότι εφαρμόζονται σε υπόστρωμα που έχει προετοιμαστεί σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές.

Η Airblast διαθέτει μια πλήρη γκάμα εξοπλισμού αφιερωμένο στη διασφάλιση ότι έχει γίνει σωστή αμμοβολή εσωτερικά και εξωτερικά του αγωγού είτε σε μια εγκατάσταση παραγωγής είτε εντός του εργοταξίου.


Ο εξοπλισμός για τον εσωτερικό καθαρισμό αγωγών διατίθεται για σωλήνες από:

  • 0.5” – 1.25” (13 - 32 mm)  = Airblast Mini Blast
  • 1.25” – 12” (32 - 305 mm)  = Airblast Circle Blast
  • 8” – 36” (204 - 915 mm) =  Airblast Spinner Blast
  • 35” - 63” (890 - 1600 mm) = Airblast Jumbo Pipe Blaster.


Παρελκόμενος εξοπλισμός αγωγών:

  • PIPECOATER-III για την βαφή εσωτερικά των σωλήνων 3” - 36”
  • Winch System για το μάζεμα της σωλήνας αμμοβολής και βαφής μέσα από τους αγωγούς

Circleblast Internal Pipe Cleaners

The Circleblast Internal Pipe Blasters are designed to blast clean pipe ranging in size from 1¼” to 12” (13 to 305 mm) I.D. The tool connects to an abrasive blast machine in place of a standard nozzle. In operation, the Circleblast nozzle directs the air/abrasive mixture at a deflection tip. This tip causes the blast pattern to fan out into a wide, circular pattern, which cleans the inside of the pipe as the tool is passed through. Two centering devices are available to hold the tool in position during passes.
The Circleblast tool is made from the finest materials available. However, some of its internal wear parts are of necessity rather brittle, due to their extreme hardness. The tool should therefore be handled carefully to avoid
dropping it or giving it a sharp blow.

Spinnerblast Internal Pipe Cleaner

The Spinnerblast tool cleans the interior of pipes up to 40’ long and ranging in size from 8” (203 mm) to 36” (915 mm) I.D. The tool connects to most abrasive blasting machines in place of a standard nozzle.
As the tool passes through the length of the pipe being cleaned, abrasive is ejected by two special nozzles mounted on a rotating head. Optimal rotating speed is controlled by the braking system. An adjustable centering carriage supports the tool through the pipe internal. The chart below shows the recommended centering legs, nozzle sizes and compressor capacities for different pipe diameters.

LT3004E Jumbo Internal Pipe Cleaner.

The Jumbo Internal Pipe Blaster tool cleans the interior of pipes up to 40’ long and ranging in size from 1016 mm (40”) to 1930 mm (76”) I.D. The tool connects to most abrasive blasting machines in place of a standard nozzle.
As the tool passes through the length of the pipe being cleaned, abrasive is ejected by two special nozzles mounted on a rotating head. Optimal rotating speed is controlled by the braking system. An adjustable centering carriage
supports the tool through the pipe internal.
Features and benefits:
● Constant cleaning of internal surface
● Cleaning with the highest speed possible
● Saving on time and abrasives
● Adjustable setup for the best cleaning speed
● Easy handling and no down-time
● Blast in only one drive through
● Adjustable for all kind of abrasive
● Very rigged construction

Mini Internal Pipe Cleaner

Internal Pipecoater III 900

Internal Pipecoater III 300

Internal Pipecoater III 125

PIPECOATER-III tools are designed to coat the inside of pipe or tubing without the need to rotate pipe or tubing and to apply an even paint film thickness throughout. Generally, any type of coating may be used in this tool that can be airless sprayed. To obtain the best possible production, one man should operate the Control Gun
while another man pulls the tool through the pipe or tubing. PIPECOATER-III tools are developed for pipe or tubing ranging from 76 mm to 900 mm (3” – 36”) ID. PIPECOATER-III can be connected to a suitable airless paint spray machine of minimum 45:1 ratio. Advantages:
● Constant cleaning of internal surface
● Cleaning with the highest speed possible
● Saving on time and abrasives
● Adjustable setup for the best cleaning speed
● Easy handling and no down-time
● Blast in only one drive through
● Adjustable for all kind of abrasive
● Very rigged construction
● Suitable for all kind of pipe internal diameters
● Semi-automatic, one operator can handle more machines or do other work

The Airblast semi-automatic winch system is specially developed for the Airblast Internal Pipe Cleaning Equipment like the Circleblast, Spinnerblast and Jumboblast as well as for the Airblast Pipe Coating Equipment like the Pipecoater-III/125/300/900.

This machine is designed with a PLC controlled hoisting system to pull at the blast hose with an adjustable constant speed to clean the inside of pipes. The speed can be adjusted from almost zero to 15 mtr/minute.