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Tumble belt shot blasting machines

The TB15GN, TB(R)32 & TB28GN machines can be used to remove sand and rust from cast, forged and welded parts as well as aluminum and other non-ferrous parts. This series is especially effective for hard-to-clean parts, non-fragile parts and non-core castings. These machines are also available in full automation.



Type TB15GN TB28GN
Size of roller (mm) 1090 x 1245 1245 x 1778
Diameter of roller (mm) 1092 1250
Working cubage (m3) 0.43 0.79
Max. weight of 1 piece (kgs) 227 363
Max. size of 1 piece (mm) 1000 1000
Loading weight (kgs) 800 3500
Pill impelling volume (kgs/min) 480 340 x 2
Impeller head power (kw) 22 30




The TB32 Series can be used for surface cleaning, removing rust and surface intensification of various small and middle sized cast or forged work pieces. The addition of a continuous conveyor allows for increased production rates when used as part of a production line.



Type TB326 TB3210 TBR3210
Productivity (ton/hour) 0.6 – 1.2 3 – 5 1.5 – 2.5
Loading weight (kgs) 200 800 600
Max. weight of 1 piece (kgs) 10 15 30
Diameter of roller (mm) 650 1000 1000
Available capacity (m3) 0.15 0.4 0.3
Pill impelling volume (kgs/min) 100 250 250
Dedusting air volume (m3/hour) 2200 6000 5000
Power dissipation (kw) 12.6 32.6 24.3
Dimensions (mm) 3681 x 1650 x 5800 3644 x 2926 x 5856 3972 x 2600 x 4768
Total weight (kgs) 2340 5843 7400