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Μηχανήματα Σοδοβολής Gritco

Μηχανήματα Σοδοβολής Gritco

Η ΝΕΟΔΥΝΑΜΙΚΗ ΕΠΕ μας αντιπροσωπεύει την Ολλανδική Gritco Equipment BV, τον μεγαλύτερο κατασκευαστή εξοπλισμού soda blasting στην Ευρώπη.

Διαθέτει μια σειρά προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών, προσφέροντας ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις soda blasting, που εγγυώνται άριστα αποτελέσματα και περιβαλλοντικά ευαίσθητη προσέγγιση σε κάθε έργο καθαρισμού.

Κυρίως βρίσκει εφαρμογή σε έργα που απαιτούν καθαρισμούς ή αφαίρεση επιστρωμάτων, graffiti, οδικών σημάνσεων, αποκατάσταση ζημιών από φωτιά, καθαρισμό εξωτερικών επιφανειών κτιρίων αφαίρεση χρωμάτων αυτοκινήτων, αεροσκαφών και κτιρίων, καθαρισμό πισινών, μηχανημάτων, βιομηχανικών κτιρίων, αφαίρεση υφαλοχρώματος σκαφών, καθαρισμό αδρανών υλικών, όπως μάρμαρο και τούβλο και οποιοδήποτε άλλο έργο απαιτεί υψηλής ποιότητας αποτέλεσμα χωρίς φθορά του υποστρώματος.



Compact blasting power. Versatile and economic applications.

Despite its compact dimensions, the MiniPro-Basic is a mature blasting machine offering many high-quality advantages.

The machine is often used for “basic” blasting work like rust and paint removal.

Due to the accurate pressure setting and abrasive metering, the MiniPro-Basic can also be deployed for more delicate work.

Capacity: 18lt




Compact, instant blasting power with unique pressure hold system for immediate start/stop response and precise abrasive dosage.

Because of unique ‘pressure hold system’ start/stop/start intervals cause no slow abrasive starting shot.

After filling, the vessel gets pressurized first so the abrasive is ‘on full speed’ the moment you start blasting. So, there’s no time-, abrasive- or compressed air loss.

The precise dosage possibilities enable the use of the finest abrasives making the MiniPro Blast Pots the most efficient choice for restauration- and soda blasting projects.

Even more accurate blasting while using as little as possible – of even the finest – abrasives can be achieved by an optional fixed caliber in the abrasive valve. This also makes the MiniPro a perfect compact soda blaster.

Capacity: 18lt


Excellent Series offer a wide range of professional possibilities at a well-balanced budget.

As the abrasive metering valve only opens when blasting starts, the Excellent series waste no abrasives – as conventional blast pots do – with a costly, slow starting shot. Abrasive consumption is further more reduced by the precise abrasive metering possibilities.

Capacity: 40 – 60 – 100lt



Eco Series is ideal when you need a lot of start/stop/start intervals (i.e. blasting pipe joints or spot repair) because of the unique ‘pressure hold system’.

After filling, the vessel gets pressurized first so the abrasive is ‘on full speed’ the moment you start blasting. So, there’s no time-, abrasive- or compressed air loss. Also, excessive wear (i.e., of the decompression valve) is avoided.

When fitted with ‘Independently controlled multiple abrasive outlets’ the ECO series are well suited for use in/as (semi) automatic systems.

Capacity: 40 – 60 – 100lt


Precisely controlled, constant dosage of even the finest abrasives at all blast pressures make Microstrip the best possible solution for restoration projects and soda blasting.

The Microstrip blast pot decompresses only when it needs refilling. Because of this the abrasive is on ‘full speed’ the moment you start blasting. By in- or decreasing the pressure difference of the tank and blast pressure more or less abrasive will be forced through the fixed caliber. This high-tech feature enables very accurate blasting with minimal usage of (even the finest) abrasives. This also makes it the perfect soda blaster.

Capacity: 40 – 60 – 100lt


Διάμετρος μπεκ 2 bar 3 bar 4 bar 5 bar 6 bar
3.2mm 190lt/min 285lt/min 380lt/min 475lt/min 570lt/min
4.8mm 425lt/min 640lt/min 850lt/min 1.065lt/min 1.280lt/min
6.4mm 755lt/min 1.135lt/min 1.560lt/min 1.950lt/min 2.340lt/min
8mm 1.180lt/min 1.770lt/min 2.360lt/min 2.950lt/min 3.545lt/min